Grabber issues
Last modified by Lev Andronov on 2024/11/06 13:39
This is a comuluative page contains known issues with KAYA Frame Grabbers.
Max. PCIe device in system
- Vision Point has a limit of 12 PCIe devices in one system.
- Vision Point II has not limit for the PCIe devices.
Komodo CXP
- The first generation Komodo grabbers are not longer supported by Vision Point. The latest version to support is Vision Point 2024.1 SP2.
Komodo II CXP
- Komodo II CXP is not able to process 2x Iron661 cameras with 2 links each at CXP-12 speed: one of the camera should be switched to CXP-6 because of the bandwidth exceedance
Komodo III CXP
This section contains known issues for device with driver id 610 which is known as "Komodo III CXP Frame Grabber".
Main thesis
- Komodo III is not supported by Vision Point I, only by Vision Pont II
- Komodo III initial firmware is 6.2.1 and it is not supported by Vision Point II
- Komodo III should be updated to firmware 8.1.1 in order to work in Vision Point II
Known issue
Vision Point reinstallation with Komodo III can cause a PC reboot on a specific motherboard model (ASUS Pro WS WRX80E-SAGE SE WIFI).
Please follow these steps to work around this issue:
- In Device manager disable the Komodo III device
- Uninstalled and than install Vision Point
- Reboot PC
- In Device manager enable the Komodo III device
- Start using Vision Point