Known issues

Last modified by Lev Andronov on 2024/11/20 17:12

Welcome to the known issues page, where you can explore the image acquisition process step-by-step:

  1. Grabber is not detected by PC and/or BIOS
  2. Grabber is detected by PC, but is not detected by software
  3. Grabber open
    1. Graber cannot be opened by software
      [ERROR!!!] Cannot open device
    2. Grabber opened but some parameters are unavailable or can not be changed
  4. Camera detection
    1. Not complete, result in an error or not detected at all
      [ERROR!!!] No cameras detected
    2. Complete without an error but not all expected cameras are detected
  5. Camera access
    1. Camera is initially detected but cannot be opened
    2. Camera is opened but some parameters are unavailable or can not be changed
  6. Stream
    1. Attempt to start a stream results in an error
      • [ERROR!!!] Setting value of parameter
        [ERROR!!!] Could not retrive pixel format
      • ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​[ERROR!!!] Required memory allocation
        • Allocated buffer size exceeds current free RAM
    2. Stream start operation returns without errors, but actual streaming is not working (in GUI acquisition window stays with "waiting for video data", in an app no callbacks are received)
      • KY_RESULT 0x83001007: this error indicates a failed read from an address in camera which is specified in camera XML; please refer to camera vendor
      • Range extender troubleshooting
    3. Stream is running but the content of received buffers is not as expected:
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