Debug tools

Last modified by Lev Andronov on 2024/11/03 16:49

Vision Point installation comes with a bunch of debug tools. This tools is useable mostly for internal debugging process, but you can use it in some cases if you know what you doing.

The hierarchy and a brief description:

Vision Point I

 KYInfo.bat  Batch script that collects all Vision Point logs and system info  
 KYRestart.bat  Batch script to restart KAYA Service  
 Dbgview.exe  A legacy tool that captures debug output from programs and device drivers  
 DebugView++.exe  An open-source tool that serves as an enhanced version of DebugView  
 DebugView++.dbconf  Configuration file for DebugView++  
 depends.exe  Executable dependencies  
└── Software_Settings  
       ├── IsImplemented.reg  Enable certain features  
       ├── non-butterfly-camera_detection_debug.reg  Camera detection for firmware before 5.0  
       ├── QtNativeDialog-OFF.reg  Disables Qt Native Dialog  
       ├── QtNativeDialog-ON.reg  Enables Qt Native Dialog  
       ├── UrlChunkSize_1.reg  Sets URL chunk size to 1  
       ├── UrlChunkSize_default.reg  Resets URL chunk size to default  
       ├── VisionPoint_Logger2Dbgview.reg  Switches logging to Dbgview.exe  
       ├── VisionPoint_Logger2File.reg  Switches logging to the default file  
       ├── VisionPoint_Logger2NULL.reg  Switches logging level to zero  
       └── FG firmware 5+  
               ├── AckThrottle-Sleep.reg  Acknowledgment throttle sleep setting  
               ├──  CommandControllerCXPGrabber_v1.reg  Switches to CXP controller v1  
               ├──  CommandControllerCXPGrabber_v2.reg  Switches to CXP controller v2  
               ├──  CommandControllerCXPGrabberOuterLockOff.reg  Switches to 'OuterLock=Off' for CXP controller v1  
               ├──  CommandControllerCXPGrabberOuterLockOn.reg  Switches to 'OuterLock=On' for CXP controller v1  
               ├──  VisionPoint_Logger_Butterfly_Dumps_DebugGrabberCmds.reg  Butterfly log dumps  
               ├──  VisionPoint_Logger_CommandControllerCXPGrabber-Debug.reg  Enables debug for Command Controller CXP Grabber  
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