Vision Point API logs
The name of the log file written by KAYA's library is derived from the name of the primary executable with the addition of process ID and timestamp. A separate log file is created for each application, which uses KAYA API.
- For example name of the log file for the Vision Point app looks like this: VisionPoint[1376]_20170827_124408.log
- Log file for API Sample should have name: API_Sample[1376]_20120827_144408.log
How to collect logs in Linux
Log files are located at: /var/log/KAYA_Instruments
There is a script 'KYInfo' to collect diagnostic info at /opt/KAYA_Instruments/Tools/Debug tools
Run the script ./KYInfo.sh, as it will generate KAYA.tar.gz archive will full diagnostic logs.
How to collect logs in Windows
Log files are located at: C:\ProgramData\KAYA Instruments\Logs
There is a script 'KYInfo' to collect diagnostic info at C:\Program Files\KAYA Instruments\Common\bin\debug_tools
Run the script KYInfo.bat, as it will generate KAYA.zip archive will full diagnostic logs.
Also the log files can be easily located under "KAYA Instruments" in the Start menu on Windows. You can access both logs directory and run the script from the Vision Point GUI:
Vision Point legacy | Vision Point II |
Installation logs
- Windows installation log files are located here: C:\Program Files\KAYA Instruments\Log\Installer
- Linux installation logs are located inside extracted installation folder in "install_log.log" file
How to read Vision Point API logs
Our log files are undocumented as they intended for internal use. The content and formatting of log messages may change between software builds.
However, one consistent pattern across builds is the log severity levels:
- [F] for Fatal
- [E] for Error
- [W] for Warning
- [I] for Information
By filtering for records with [E] or [W], you can identify Error and Warning level messages that often help in diagnosing the issue.
Logs output channel
There are several log output channels that can be separately adjusted for Vision Point app and KAYA Instruments Service:
- 0 - Null channel, no logs output
- 1 - File, logging output into default location file
- 2 - DbgView, logging output in to Debug View app (available as debug tool)
- 3 - Internal buffer
- 4 - Console output
- 5 - Syslog
Adjusting the log output channel can be done via Windows registr or .conf file in Linux:
Logs output for Vision Point app
- Windows: Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\KAYA Instruments\public\KYFGLib\_conf\LogChannel
- Linux: "_conf.LogChannel.(Default)" at ~/.config/KAYA Instruments/public/KYFGLib.conf
Logs output for KAYA Service
- Windows: Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\KAYA Instruments (Service Controller)\public\KYFGLib\_conf\LogChannel
- Linux: "_conf.LogChannel.(Default)" at ~/.config/KAYA Instruments (Service Controller)/public/KYFGLib.conf
Logs retaining policy
Users may configure the retaining policy of the log files by using the following setting in the registry:
- Number of files to keep in 'Archive' when (Default) is 2 - Keep N latest
KYSettings::FeatureType::UserConf, "LogFilesKeep.Amount" - Maximum age in seconds of a file to keep in 'Archive' when (Default) is 3 - Keep max-age
KYSettings::InitInteger(KYSettings::FeatureType::UserConf, "LogFilesKeep.MaxAge", 1